The Vaccines - What Did You Expect FromThe Vaccines

I've sort of seen the Vaccines live, because I saw one or two songs, and then I left to another concert, They played in Superbock Supe...

I've sort of seen the Vaccines live, because I saw one or two songs, and then I left to another concert, They played in Superbock Superock in 2011, in the same day as The Strokes.
I really love the Vaccines. The first time knew they existed was in march two years ago, when I bought my first ever copy of NME magazine, and they were on the cover, which made me read te article regarding the band.
From the moment I first heard their songs, I knew I was going to really like them, which happened. I can't recall which was the first song I heard, but it was probably "If You Wanna", the obvious one. I like it, but it's not my favourite of that record. For me, the best song is "All In White". I love the guitars, the drums, but mostly, the bass. That initial bassline is perfect. And I adore the lyrics, especially the part when Justin (Young, singer and guitarist) sings "... but I will one day shine with you / I'll shine on a faithful few ...".
Please listen to this song, I swear to you, it's perfect.

The Vaccines - "What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?"

  1. Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra)
  2. If You Wanna
  3. A Lack Of Understanding
  4. Blow It Up
  5. Wetsuit
  6. Norgaard
  7. Post Break Up Sex
  8. Under Your Thumb
  9. All In White
  10. Wolf Pack
  11. Family Friend
For more informaion go to:


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